About me
Personal Mastery Coach | Entrepreneur | Trainer | Founder Misti Vedik Life Ltd & Better Gyan Academy
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The man with a mission
Shakir Hussain is an engineer by qualification. He is an Employee turned enterpreneur. An enterpreneur at heart, he always believed in exploring and doing out of the trend. He always had immense interest in mind power and personal mastery. His passion for moving out of the average life to something extra ordinary made him passionate about learning and teaching. His thirst to make it BIG has helped him learn and try different strategies. From his experience he has crafted a knowledge base that is practical, logical and one that gives results. As its said “People buy Results only”.
He has been involved with training industry since last 9 years. It is a special feeling for people, and an innate belief that everyone can succeed, that has helped him become the architect of people’s success stories. His connection with leaders in the field, has cemented his reputation as a caring and understanding person, as well as a wise and welcome tutor. It tells you a great deal about someone when some of their highest values are honesty and loyalty. Shakir’s life outside training centers around his family and friends. He likes Adventure sports, traveling and reading. He believes in his mission, it’s inherent goodness, and he believes in you.
Success comes from inside and not outside.
Shakir Hussain
Books by Tim
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Elementum aliquam hendrerit volutpat

Fringilla congueque volutpat nibh

Dapibus sapien non egestas viverra purus
Tim's featured keynote
In consectetur volutpat enim, elementum suspendisse ipsum mattis placerat scelerisque maecenas ut morbi aliquam donec vivamus dignissim ut ac eget viverra purus faucibus diam adipiscing porttitor volutpat, dolor habitant vitae senectus fringilla quam magnis cras placerat pellentesque vestibulum orci id.